zooey i knew you could do better! this makes far more sense, keeping it within the genre.
many congrats and few tears!
Monday, December 29, 2008
she and him and who?
so i've been on a bit of hiatus, my apologies. i was planning on starting the new year afresh and have been storing up ideas. anyways, this was too much for me to handle...
my source (perez) is saying that intouch weekly is claiming my zooey deschanel is engaged to hunter burgan! my first reaction was a big ole, oh no, followed my a major, who? apparently hunter is the third and current bassist for AFI, who i didn't even think were still together. personally i was never a big fan, too squeeky for hardcore, in my opinion, and that was 10 years ago.
well i'm counting down the minutes till its called bullshit or there is some life altering explanation. i'll hold my congrats till then.
my source (perez) is saying that intouch weekly is claiming my zooey deschanel is engaged to hunter burgan! my first reaction was a big ole, oh no, followed my a major, who? apparently hunter is the third and current bassist for AFI, who i didn't even think were still together. personally i was never a big fan, too squeeky for hardcore, in my opinion, and that was 10 years ago.
well i'm counting down the minutes till its called bullshit or there is some life altering explanation. i'll hold my congrats till then.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
smart thinking?
oh the irony. san francisco school board just voted to require 15 college prep classes to graduate starting with the class of 2014. some dude said they want students to have every opportunity to get in to the UC and Cal State university systems. so um have they heard that SF state doesn't have any money? so lets hope that all those poor smart college prepped graduates have some universities to get in to.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
bye bye beaches hello obama
i get why the obama camp is doing this, but who wants to commit to a calendar for FOUR years?!?! isn't the joy of calendars that you can buy a new one every year with a new theme? i mean, obama is a cutie, but 48 months of him and biden, staring down at you from the wall? sounds a little like big brother to me. just saying.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
if a piano plays in the forest will anyone hear it?
this just made my day. ok, so i was having a fantastic day anyways, but it really was the icing on a beautiful sunday cake.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
q and a with myself about this crazy world
if i've never owned a car, why should my tax dollars help out the big three? will my tax dollars make them less harmful to the environment? sounds sketchy.
will clinton put aside her ambitions and be the voice of obama?
will maldives save up enough money to buy a new homeland? and where will it be? the transition to iceland might be a little shocking.
will clinton put aside her ambitions and be the voice of obama?
will maldives save up enough money to buy a new homeland? and where will it be? the transition to iceland might be a little shocking.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
i'd gladly take a pie
i experienced my first flash mob on friday, and my umteenth premonition, both of which i have previously mentioned. here is the footage i got of both before my memory card overloaded.
for more footage click here
as if that weren't rad enough to make for an awesome weekend, sunday amy goodman spoke at the sf green festival! here she is...
if you don't know who amy goodman is, then get on it. she's one of my heroes. and while you're at it, check out democracynow.org!
for more footage click here
as if that weren't rad enough to make for an awesome weekend, sunday amy goodman spoke at the sf green festival! here she is...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
the extra minute before breakfast
i'd really like to know who the genius is that invented the ketchup packet. i mean, ketchup packets are great but who uses just one? its a ridiculously small amount of ketchup. it takes at least four for any real enjoyment. meanwhile syrup packets are gigantic?
i hope the green revolution includes a more eco and portion friendly packet.
the consolation is that ketchup is thixotropic. pretty sweet.
i hope the green revolution includes a more eco and portion friendly packet.
the consolation is that ketchup is thixotropic. pretty sweet.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
silly justice
whats up with ridiculous jail sentences? 235 years in jail? seriously? i wonder if there's a club (in prison) where the fellons compete by jail sentences, or if the extra hundred years gives you extra cred? or perhaps, if there is some hierarchy that's determined by it? can't they just say prison for life, no parole? if i was a judge i'd feel like a douche saying someone was sentenced to three hundred eighty four and a half years. just saying.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
unfocused, obviously
the whole obama madness withdrawal is really starting to get to me. so i've been blog-hunting and you know what i've learned? cute fashion artsy blogs always have white backgrounds! was there a memo? its amazing. and i of course, feel left out even though i'm not a particularly artsy fashion blogger, oh well. i guess i just wanted something else to believe in.
here are a couple ideas for my new unmanaged time
my own personal recipe book. i realize this might make me sound old but hey wouldn't it be nice to have all your recipes in one place? yes i think so. ooh maybe i should make a recipe box? i think a journey to paper source is soon in my future.
repaint my room. right now its a delightful shade of watermelon, soon it will be...
figure out some way to beat my holiday cards from last year.
side note, has anyone seen the at&t commercial with the talking heads on thumbs? its super creepy. i'm glad the only thing my thumb says is up.
my listing is causing blogger anxiety, i'm sure i had more items to occupy my time.
ooh yes, big one, get my drivers license. yes i am a 25 year old without a license, and yes even the people at the dmv had a good chuckle about it when i got my driver's permit this week. by the way, all the provisional license posters should note that its only for minors, the laugh from the teller when i asked if i really needed a parent in the car with me was unnecessary, and no i don't.
all this listing is making me hungry, so first things first, salad with feta and pears. yum.
here are a couple ideas for my new unmanaged time
my own personal recipe book. i realize this might make me sound old but hey wouldn't it be nice to have all your recipes in one place? yes i think so. ooh maybe i should make a recipe box? i think a journey to paper source is soon in my future.
repaint my room. right now its a delightful shade of watermelon, soon it will be...
figure out some way to beat my holiday cards from last year.
side note, has anyone seen the at&t commercial with the talking heads on thumbs? its super creepy. i'm glad the only thing my thumb says is up.
my listing is causing blogger anxiety, i'm sure i had more items to occupy my time.
ooh yes, big one, get my drivers license. yes i am a 25 year old without a license, and yes even the people at the dmv had a good chuckle about it when i got my driver's permit this week. by the way, all the provisional license posters should note that its only for minors, the laugh from the teller when i asked if i really needed a parent in the car with me was unnecessary, and no i don't.
all this listing is making me hungry, so first things first, salad with feta and pears. yum.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
a revolution in heartburn
what a week!
i am in such a need for nap time that even though i wore regular pants to work, i have since changed into a brand new pair of extra cozy (read: fuzzy) university sweatpants. yes i am wearing sweatpants at work and i might just be caught with my eyes closed, pretending to be doing data analysis.
let's start with sunday, SHE & HIM were amazing at bimbo's! since my slight obsession with zooey i had very high expectations, and i was barely disappointed. i guess i imagined zooey to be more quirky, she was insanely precious but also a little shy and reserved. but man oh man can she sing, and her and m. ward are a match made in heaven. she played all the hits plus a couple new songs and covers (including "i put a spell on you" (swoon!)).
after the show was true blood, where sam's true colors were shown! werewolf? maybe not so much, collie? yes. too bad there are only three more episodes of the season, damn you hbo for making such good tv shows with such short seasons!
monday, a lovely visit from my favorite suffragist!
tuesday. despite the fact i should dedicate an entire blog to the momentous events of that beautiful day, let's just say that if you could graph my heartburn levels over the last week it would look like the stock market crash. i made deviled eggs and spicy jalapeno artichoke dip to celebrate.
whew, what day am i on?
wednesday, the obama high continued and a much needed night of comfort food, wine and good company. geeesh.
oops, i guess i should have started the week at halloween. my costume renewed my faith in people, i was juno and was kindly offered a seat on the bus.
breathing. everything is going to be okay.
i am in such a need for nap time that even though i wore regular pants to work, i have since changed into a brand new pair of extra cozy (read: fuzzy) university sweatpants. yes i am wearing sweatpants at work and i might just be caught with my eyes closed, pretending to be doing data analysis.
let's start with sunday, SHE & HIM were amazing at bimbo's! since my slight obsession with zooey i had very high expectations, and i was barely disappointed. i guess i imagined zooey to be more quirky, she was insanely precious but also a little shy and reserved. but man oh man can she sing, and her and m. ward are a match made in heaven. she played all the hits plus a couple new songs and covers (including "i put a spell on you" (swoon!)).
after the show was true blood, where sam's true colors were shown! werewolf? maybe not so much, collie? yes. too bad there are only three more episodes of the season, damn you hbo for making such good tv shows with such short seasons!
monday, a lovely visit from my favorite suffragist!
tuesday. despite the fact i should dedicate an entire blog to the momentous events of that beautiful day, let's just say that if you could graph my heartburn levels over the last week it would look like the stock market crash. i made deviled eggs and spicy jalapeno artichoke dip to celebrate.
whew, what day am i on?
wednesday, the obama high continued and a much needed night of comfort food, wine and good company. geeesh.
oops, i guess i should have started the week at halloween. my costume renewed my faith in people, i was juno and was kindly offered a seat on the bus.
breathing. everything is going to be okay.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
insert dramatic music
its 4:30 on election day, which means its 7:30 on the east coast and polls are closing. i'm at work but barely working. i'm also wondering if i will ever feel the way i do right now ever again. like this is one of those cheesy moments in movies where something big happens, like this is the day i'll never forget. i know i'm a cheeseball.
i've got tons to write but am literally on the edge of my seat, so they'll have to wait.
fingers crossed.
i've got tons to write but am literally on the edge of my seat, so they'll have to wait.
fingers crossed.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
on the toes
let's say obama wins and we finally end the war, primetime television will have to be way more creative in plot developments. i hope they step up to the challenge, its all about change, isn't it?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
all grown up
it's my "working 9 to 5" one year anniversary! and to celebrate i'm forbearing on my student loans! gb america!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
oh no she didn't and thank you
this morning i had a near psychic experience. seriously. i was riding the bus, just reading my economist when a very abrupt, leggy blond sat next to me in the middle seat (it was one of the three-seaters in the back of the bus). well anyways i was reading a really fascinating story about how emerging economies will deal with the current crisis when i started daydreaming. the leggy blond spilled her coffee on my leg and shoes, but not the comfy uggs i wear to work but my super fabulous pricey miss sixty boots... there was some yelling, mostly on my part, and an exchange of money, mainly into my wallet (yay new boots), when my daydream was interrupted by the screams of a very unhappy cantonese woman. the leggy blond spilled her coffee on the annoying woman who had been yelling into her cell phone in cantonese sitting on the other side! i smiled and returned to reading about global economies knowing that i had totally almost predicted the spilling of the leggy blonds coffee.
now that i think about it, i wonder what this daydream says about me.
now that i think about it, i wonder what this daydream says about me.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
lemons (the sour ones, not the ones i'm related to)
life is full of surprises, like surprise! the flu shot gives you the flu! well it gave me the flu anyways. yeah. seriously, a hand full of flu shots and i get the bad reaction. at least its nice to know you can still learn something new about yourself, right? better late than never.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
otter otter utterance

i was doing a series of reactions at work the other day and i had an epiphany. not like a useful epiphany like the one where i stop paying my student loan payments for a few months and put the money on my much used credit card, but an epiphany that will probably go nowhere and only be enjoyed by a select few. have i peeked your curiosity yet? is the build up built? ok here it is... michel gondry should make a movie of jonathan lethem's "as she climbed across the table"! oh my god, so awesome right?!? or at least "gun with occasional music", it would be amazing. if you haven't read either of those books then get on it, and while you're at it read "motherless brooklyn".
addendum. as i was getting the above links i found that apparently edward norton is going to adapt, direct and star in the film adaptation of motherless brooklyn, set to be released next year. crazy! safe choice edward, but its no alternate universe or kangaroo cab driver.
Monday, October 13, 2008
like smelling fresh baked apple pie
i was feeling one of those moments of absolute terror while envisioning a mccain victory, and considering all the practicalities of relocating to a different country (with canada in the lead) when i stumbled upon this little bundle of joy.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
106 reasons
they say with age comes wisdom, and here's some proof. and they said Obama only inspires the young vote, ha!
oversized with pockets, please
i had this professor, let's call her professor cardigan. i had two classes with this professor, back in my school days of course. early on i noticed that she wore cardigans almost every day, so i began a cardigan diary in my notebook. each day of class at the top of my notes it would say, brown or beaded or whatever. i thought i was pretty clever. but now here i am, a grown up (kind of) and a scientist, and my wardrobe consists mostly of cardigans. go figure.
Monday, October 6, 2008
dental dilemma
today i flared a single nostril. my left nostril to be exact, while my right nostril stayed freakily still in its novacained state. yep, i went to the dentist. i have mentioned my hatred for dentistry as a whole before and i'm starting to think that my dentist is taking a lesson from dr house and having her little drones break into my house to learn ways to make me like them. its freaky. last time, both my dentist and her assistant were reading the same book as me, the assistant was even on the same chapter! then she started talking to me about my tattoos and showed me her half sleeve?!? since when are dentists cool, tattooed, vampire book reading ladies? then today, i take a trip to the ladies room and find a concert poster for grandaddy and super furry animals? at this point i'm starting to think the large hadron collider is a success and my dentist office is in a indie/hipster dimension... then i notice that all of the artwork has been replaced by concert posters and they're all bands that i have some sort of interest in. suddenly i'm liking my dentist more and i don't like it one bit.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
my darling casper riley
on a brighter note, here's my dog being as precious as usual.
enjoy the cuteness.
filmed by decker!
enjoy the cuteness.
filmed by decker!
foreclosure suicide attempt
hospitals take note. expect an increase in self inflicted gun shot wounds. its all your fault fannie mae.
Friday, October 3, 2008
apparently near absolute zero is actually 2 degrees above zero. i half expected near to be a working range, seems silly to say near absolute zero when you could just be specific. its not like those two degrees make it not cold.
Monday, September 29, 2008
when the stock market tries to bring you down, go crazy!
my work days are becoming more and more like the movie groundhog day, except instead of repeating every day, i'm repeating every two days. i'm not sure which one is worse. this also means that i'm at work six days a week. ugh. if i was hooked up to a water tank, i'd be a robot, (fyi, robots need a lot of water). but rather, my robotic state means more dancing by myself, pipette in hand, and less mind stimulating podcasts. i will have to figure out some healthy balance that does not include screwing up thousand dollar, three-day reactions.
on a side note, whats up with washington mutual continuing with their wahoo marketing? um, remember wamu, you crashed. jeez, check a newspaper already.
oh but my routine work life also means that i get regular doses of tv on the internet. my newest addiction, pushing daisies. i had been meaning to watch it as soon as i realized that lee pace is the star, but really felt the burn when i found out that the creator also made such wonderful shows as dead like me and wonderfalls. oh and its oh so good. it might be my girlyness, but when ned and chuck hug themselves because they can't actually hug each other (due to a very unfortunately deadly side effect) i just melt.
also, if you haven't already, check out megapuss. sam and i won tickets to their show at the independent last night and it was so super fun. it was great seeing devendra again and greg is way hot with the new haircut. sorry sam.
on a side note, whats up with washington mutual continuing with their wahoo marketing? um, remember wamu, you crashed. jeez, check a newspaper already.
oh but my routine work life also means that i get regular doses of tv on the internet. my newest addiction, pushing daisies. i had been meaning to watch it as soon as i realized that lee pace is the star, but really felt the burn when i found out that the creator also made such wonderful shows as dead like me and wonderfalls. oh and its oh so good. it might be my girlyness, but when ned and chuck hug themselves because they can't actually hug each other (due to a very unfortunately deadly side effect) i just melt.
also, if you haven't already, check out megapuss. sam and i won tickets to their show at the independent last night and it was so super fun. it was great seeing devendra again and greg is way hot with the new haircut. sorry sam.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
muni diaries
i love san francisco for very many reasons, one of which is that i can enjoy the folsom street fair without actually going. i was on the n judah heading to work on a sunday (insert sad face) when i saw a pair of chaps in assless chaps, with some square marina girl smiling in between them. sigh, only here.
i have a feeling there'll be some damn fine pictures here soon....
gotta run, its true blood time. oh and i think jake is right, sam's definitely a werewolf (he barks in his sleep).
i have a feeling there'll be some damn fine pictures here soon....
gotta run, its true blood time. oh and i think jake is right, sam's definitely a werewolf (he barks in his sleep).
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
angry face
its a sad day for san franciscans... the betrayal. please, my pride and joy, my home, we need change. please, seek the truth.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
counting down...
alright so i realize its only september (almost october), but i'm so excited for december! holiday parties and nutcracker tickets! thanks darling.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
maurice, you don't scare me at all!
so the large hadron collider is out of commission for a couple months, general maintenance is pretty difficult at near absolute zero. to be honest i've been so lost in my new extended cable i might as well have been swallowed up. its nice to know i have a couple more months in this dimension though. i wonder how near, near is from absolute zero?
i listened to a great podcast about maurice sendak this week. it mentioned a birthday celebration at a new york y, and i was almost going to dedicate this blog to him, until wiki told me that his birthday is in june?!? terry? what's up with the misinformation? anyways i really wish that i could have seen brundibar. and birthday or not, good old maurice deserves a shout out. did i mention i have what i like to believe are first edition where the wild things are stuffed animals? so sweet. i couldn't find when they were first made and i was definitely not around at first pressing, but i like to think they're worth something and not just to me.
i never really thought of myself as much of a follower, but i am all caught up in the renewed vampire craze. i shouldn't really be surprised, i was hooked on vintage vampire a la rice... of recent though, its been octavia butler's fledgling, my dear twilight saga, and my new media true blood. plus as corny as it is, i love it when romance on screen transfers off screen. its okay, i admit i'm girly.
i listened to a great podcast about maurice sendak this week. it mentioned a birthday celebration at a new york y, and i was almost going to dedicate this blog to him, until wiki told me that his birthday is in june?!? terry? what's up with the misinformation? anyways i really wish that i could have seen brundibar. and birthday or not, good old maurice deserves a shout out. did i mention i have what i like to believe are first edition where the wild things are stuffed animals? so sweet. i couldn't find when they were first made and i was definitely not around at first pressing, but i like to think they're worth something and not just to me.
i never really thought of myself as much of a follower, but i am all caught up in the renewed vampire craze. i shouldn't really be surprised, i was hooked on vintage vampire a la rice... of recent though, its been octavia butler's fledgling, my dear twilight saga, and my new media true blood. plus as corny as it is, i love it when romance on screen transfers off screen. its okay, i admit i'm girly.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
fret not dear blog readers! i have yet to be swallowed up by a black hole, although i was feeling fairly interdimensional there for a few days, time loops and all. lets hope it stays that way.
i've had a couple beers and have forgotten, only temporarily i hope, my blogworthy material. it'll come back to me, unless...
i've had a couple beers and have forgotten, only temporarily i hope, my blogworthy material. it'll come back to me, unless...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
the end?
my home internet is on the outs in an attempt to upgrade thats left me with below passing.
first excuse, done.
secondly i feel rushed to blog in the off chance that the universe ceases to exist today, or within the next segment of time if cern does something to the space-time-continuum. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for success versus extinction, although a parallel universe could be quite interesting if we were privy to it.
i don't really think that i'm getting old but my junk mail seems to suggest otherwise. apparently i've gotten on some cremation mass mailing list, which i didn't even think existed. i've begun receiving prepaid cremation offers and even the chance to win a free prepaid cremation. weird. its definitely the oddest thing i've ever gotten in the mail.
some words of wisdom. if you are buying a bedframe from ikea make sure you buy the midbeam separately. it is quite frustrating when your bed is contructed yet useless in function.
i've also been wondering what the criteria is for joining a-space, is it an invite only thing like gmail? i'm hoping my lack of federal affiliation won't count against me.
phew. i'm glad i finally got all that out. if cern fails and my blogging ceases too, at least you were forwarned.
first excuse, done.
secondly i feel rushed to blog in the off chance that the universe ceases to exist today, or within the next segment of time if cern does something to the space-time-continuum. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for success versus extinction, although a parallel universe could be quite interesting if we were privy to it.
i don't really think that i'm getting old but my junk mail seems to suggest otherwise. apparently i've gotten on some cremation mass mailing list, which i didn't even think existed. i've begun receiving prepaid cremation offers and even the chance to win a free prepaid cremation. weird. its definitely the oddest thing i've ever gotten in the mail.
some words of wisdom. if you are buying a bedframe from ikea make sure you buy the midbeam separately. it is quite frustrating when your bed is contructed yet useless in function.
i've also been wondering what the criteria is for joining a-space, is it an invite only thing like gmail? i'm hoping my lack of federal affiliation won't count against me.
phew. i'm glad i finally got all that out. if cern fails and my blogging ceases too, at least you were forwarned.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
take that you ridiculous genotyping platform!
i love that i found this on cnn. i mean who cares about the democratic national convention, right?
sometimes i wonder what the world would be like if dogs were more evolved, like in jonathan lethem's gun with occasional music. would they go to dnn to read about what the crazy humans were up to?
yes i might probably have too much time on my hands and/or an overactive imagination. what can i say, i was an only child.
today my boss told me i was right, it was glorious.
sometimes i wonder what the world would be like if dogs were more evolved, like in jonathan lethem's gun with occasional music. would they go to dnn to read about what the crazy humans were up to?
yes i might probably have too much time on my hands and/or an overactive imagination. what can i say, i was an only child.
today my boss told me i was right, it was glorious.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
happy tuesday
just so you know, the 26th of august is one of my favorite days. it happens to be the birthday of a very good friend of mine which also happens to fall on the anniversary of the day women were granted the right to vote. every year i visualize alice paul, as hilary swank from iron-jawed angels, grasping victory at last, except sometimes i put alissa's face on her instead, just for birthday kicks all the while playing suffragette city in the back of my mind. so thanks to all those strong women who fought so brilliantly for the rest of us.
maybe next year i'll organize a flash mob to celebrate.
lastly, if i'm unhappy in my job in first life, will a more fulfilling job in second life make first life better too? do people have jobs in second life?
maybe next year i'll organize a flash mob to celebrate.
lastly, if i'm unhappy in my job in first life, will a more fulfilling job in second life make first life better too? do people have jobs in second life?
Monday, August 18, 2008
thank you
dear mazatlan,
i got the parasites you sent me. you shouldn't have.
don't worry, i still love you and the extra vacation.
plentiful sunshine
i got the parasites you sent me. you shouldn't have.
don't worry, i still love you and the extra vacation.
plentiful sunshine
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
jumping ship
in old mazatlan the trash cans look like postal boxes. this was very confusing as i walked around with sunscreen in my eyes and dirty tissues in my hands for three blocks. i hope i'm not the only person affected.
also, i will gladly not drink pacificos for at least two weeks.
mazatlan, i miss you.
also, i will gladly not drink pacificos for at least two weeks.
mazatlan, i miss you.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
a little two step
you know when you're walking and you approach someone and there's that dilemma moment where you have to decide on which direction you're supposed to move in order to prevent a collision. well today i had one of those, except that we both moved in the same directions. i'm used to this. i think its because i have particularly strong mirror neurons. anyways the guy got really mad. he actually cursed at me like it was my fault even though we both did the same thing. which was the problem, obviously. but then i felt bad before re-realizing that yet again, it wasn't my fault. and even if it was all to be blamed on my powerful mirror neurons its not like it was intentional. geesh.
Monday, July 28, 2008
okay, oklahoma
i check the cnn website semi-religiously. and aside from the updates on news its the geography that really brightens my day. the weather section of course! because i haven't entered in my zip code i get the weather information for such odd places as okay, oklahoma, earth, texas and odd, west virginia. its nice to know its sunny in success, missouri.
ps. my heart goes out to tennessee.
ps. my heart goes out to tennessee.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
new reagents
even though i practice science regularly and deal with dry ice all the time, i still think its super cool.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
sea foam green and beer
call me un-american but if the inbev buyout of anheuser busch means there's better distribution of stella artois than so be it. i won't always live in san francisco so god bless belgium.
my laundromat doesn't really smell like clean laundry. its sad. i'm pretty sure that it used to.
some guy, amos, in hawaii, thinks talking to your cookies makes them taste better, i wonder if that works for other things.
also, i think its really cool when the color of your house matches the color of your car, exactly.
my laundromat doesn't really smell like clean laundry. its sad. i'm pretty sure that it used to.
some guy, amos, in hawaii, thinks talking to your cookies makes them taste better, i wonder if that works for other things.
also, i think its really cool when the color of your house matches the color of your car, exactly.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
sweet darling, come hold me/she & him & me
i'm starting to think that if i had gone to high school with zooey deschanel i would have cut bangs much sooner.
i also kind of think that i would have followed her around, copied her every move and possibly made a shrine. people would tease me, for being, well, a carbon copy, but i could have handled it. i definitely would have said, "the hell with rebellion" and picked up the guitar just so we could play duets. and i probably wouldn't have minded spending major dollars on voice lessons, since i am not as talented as my mother, let alone, zooey. my life could have been totally different.
but alas, i went to independent study for high school. rats.
at least there is why do you let me stay here which has me shimmy-ing down the sidewalk, flashing precious smiles, and twirling this way and that in my improvised "i went to high school with zooey" fashion.
i also kind of think that i would have followed her around, copied her every move and possibly made a shrine. people would tease me, for being, well, a carbon copy, but i could have handled it. i definitely would have said, "the hell with rebellion" and picked up the guitar just so we could play duets. and i probably wouldn't have minded spending major dollars on voice lessons, since i am not as talented as my mother, let alone, zooey. my life could have been totally different.
but alas, i went to independent study for high school. rats.
at least there is why do you let me stay here which has me shimmy-ing down the sidewalk, flashing precious smiles, and twirling this way and that in my improvised "i went to high school with zooey" fashion.
Monday, July 14, 2008
do you speak whale?
so the news hasn't been very funny lately and i went out of town and had a birthday, yadda yadda yadda. BUT i do think that paula poundstone could read the dictionary and it would still be hilarious.
i had really wanted to blog about whales a couple days ago for various reasons, and for some other reasons, it never happened. so i give you this. and also, check the bottom of this page too. ooh ohh and lastly the recent inspiration, but i should say i've been hip to the whales since my days at carrboro elementary where i painted a 25 foot long humpback whale at the bus circle with a friend. and no i didn't get suspended.
i had really wanted to blog about whales a couple days ago for various reasons, and for some other reasons, it never happened. so i give you this. and also, check the bottom of this page too. ooh ohh and lastly the recent inspiration, but i should say i've been hip to the whales since my days at carrboro elementary where i painted a 25 foot long humpback whale at the bus circle with a friend. and no i didn't get suspended.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
the sky is falling, i mean the ground
sometimes during the relaxation/restoration portion of my yoga class i have irrational fears of an earthquake. i guess they aren't completely irrational seeing as i live in san francisco but anyways, there i am with a towel over my face all relaxed and breathing in to my muscles when i think its gonna hit. then i of course realize that i am no longer relaxing or restoring. and lastly i remember that if an earthquake did hit, at least i'm across the street from the hospital. hello relaxation/restoration.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
wait wait please tell me
every week there is one podcast that completely brightens my day. its 'wait wait don't tell me' by chicago public radio. normally i can barely contain myself and listen to the weekly podcast on monday, but this week, due to a back log of podcasts from my birthday week, i held out till today, wednesday. and thank heavens i did.
i may or may not have participated in grunge, but i definitely was not aware of the great grunge hoax which kind of makes me a huge lame stain, besides the sad truth that i'm almost always bound-and-hagged... geez i'm a cob nobbler. and a little carried away. anyways the segment had me giggling up a storm despite the fact that i was not alone in the lab, but rather in the presence of an already awkward co-worker. yay for making things more awkward.
on a serious and utterly un-related topic, take that FARC, go stealthy columbians for freeing betancourt!
i may or may not have participated in grunge, but i definitely was not aware of the great grunge hoax which kind of makes me a huge lame stain, besides the sad truth that i'm almost always bound-and-hagged... geez i'm a cob nobbler. and a little carried away. anyways the segment had me giggling up a storm despite the fact that i was not alone in the lab, but rather in the presence of an already awkward co-worker. yay for making things more awkward.
on a serious and utterly un-related topic, take that FARC, go stealthy columbians for freeing betancourt!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
a big ol'bureaucratic sad face
there comes a time when you realize that the institute of higher learning that you spent years getting a degree to work at thinks you're an idiot. and maybe you are or i am, see i'm already confused. i was required to spend the last two days taking online tutorials about basically online shopping. my degree courses in biology and chemistry didn't cover that but i tend to have confidence in my higher reasoning skills and keen observation to be able to figure most things out. but rather i spent five fairly insulting hours being taught to order pens from officemax. who knew it would take a whole module to learn how to change a shipping address. blah blah blah top scientific community, trusted with thousands of dollars worth of scientific equipment, but god forbid i order the wrong pens, or gasp, have it sent to the wrong attention. and just when i couldn't imagine it getting any worse, the simulation were all based on american idols... clay aiken needs to order purina mouse chow, fill out the purchase order to allow a comment for the receiver to make sure to put it in fridge. eeks. but don't let simon cowell see you ordered too many pipette tips, you'll never hear the end of it.
the really sad thing is i typically spend most of my days wasting time doing stupid things anyways but i actually had work to do and was extra offended that some higher up assumed that i could spare five hours of my day without any notice. but nevertheless i have my printed out certificates of completion, which i personalized with an extra "kick ass" and "so so bored" and can now hang them up with pride at my bench. all things considered, not too shabby.
the really sad thing is i typically spend most of my days wasting time doing stupid things anyways but i actually had work to do and was extra offended that some higher up assumed that i could spare five hours of my day without any notice. but nevertheless i have my printed out certificates of completion, which i personalized with an extra "kick ass" and "so so bored" and can now hang them up with pride at my bench. all things considered, not too shabby.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
adventures in and out of public transit
water parks are super awesome until you have to go to the bathroom and you realize that you're flip flops are in your locker because they fly off on the rides and suddenly you're in a public toilet with bare feet and you're crying thinking about all the germs.
a crazy guy on the bus was talking to himself or someone i couldn't see about something when he blurted out,"the last time i saw Morgan Freeman he was god," i laughed. that was probably the least memorable of Morgan's roles.
a crazy guy on the bus was talking to himself or someone i couldn't see about something when he blurted out,"the last time i saw Morgan Freeman he was god," i laughed. that was probably the least memorable of Morgan's roles.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
call of action/birthday eve/thursday
david sedaris will laugh at you if you fall down, he thinks its hilarious and i agree.
also, if someone could take care of the fires it would be greatly appreciated, its hurting my head.
also, if someone could take care of the fires it would be greatly appreciated, its hurting my head.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
cursory glance
yesterday i listened to george carlin on three different podcasts. each one played the seven words you can never say on television with all the good words bleeped out. its still really funny.
and now i have to ask, since when does the price is right play during primetime? seriously? i haven't watched it since drew took over, mostly because i have a real job and am never home for daytime television. but it seems wrong to have it play at night.
and now i have to ask, since when does the price is right play during primetime? seriously? i haven't watched it since drew took over, mostly because i have a real job and am never home for daytime television. but it seems wrong to have it play at night.
Monday, June 23, 2008
i am almost too hungry to blog. its a cold monday.
however, its nice to know that someone is putting sports bras to good use.
however, its nice to know that someone is putting sports bras to good use.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
fitchburg, mass
i found this really great key on the ground today. its old and i have no idea what it might unlock. the top, isn't shaped like my boring house key which has that distinct 80's shape and for some reason makes me think of datsons. it has a clover feel to its shape and has decorative dots and swirls. on one side it reads
lock co
fitchburg, mass
the 1004 part is what really has my imagination working. is it an address? but whats the street name? it couldn't be a year because well... for so so many reasons. its not like i had it excavated, it was on the sidewalk of parnassus. it does however have a lovely brassy color. being the good scientist that i am, i soaked the key in 70% ethanol, followed by a bleach/hydrochlorite mixture and water. i did my work and listened to my podcasts but my mind kept on drifting back to the key. from movies like skeleton key (i know, ridiculous) to wondering if it was a house key why someone would have a massachusetts key in california, i mean its not like key making is some lost art. but on the flipside this fitchburg is one fine looking key, precious and inviting.
so instead of imagining i took to google and did some research. (typical)
the independent lock co was in fitchburg, mass from 1930 to 1960, at 35 daniels street. it was bankrupt by 1970 and bought by A. Fish
the number 1004, is the model number, which is sadly obvious and not so exciting. a model 1054 was taken and listed in a really really long list of items of personal property taken inventory by the FBI in the US supreme court case, kremen vs. united states.
and lastly that this lock company must have been pretty fancy because i found at least four different obituaries that list it as a place of employment.
i think i'll turn my 38+ year old key into a necklace.
on a totally different note. ursula k le guin thinks you should read doctor zhivago.
lock co
fitchburg, mass
the 1004 part is what really has my imagination working. is it an address? but whats the street name? it couldn't be a year because well... for so so many reasons. its not like i had it excavated, it was on the sidewalk of parnassus. it does however have a lovely brassy color. being the good scientist that i am, i soaked the key in 70% ethanol, followed by a bleach/hydrochlorite mixture and water. i did my work and listened to my podcasts but my mind kept on drifting back to the key. from movies like skeleton key (i know, ridiculous) to wondering if it was a house key why someone would have a massachusetts key in california, i mean its not like key making is some lost art. but on the flipside this fitchburg is one fine looking key, precious and inviting.
so instead of imagining i took to google and did some research. (typical)
the independent lock co was in fitchburg, mass from 1930 to 1960, at 35 daniels street. it was bankrupt by 1970 and bought by A. Fish
the number 1004, is the model number, which is sadly obvious and not so exciting. a model 1054 was taken and listed in a really really long list of items of personal property taken inventory by the FBI in the US supreme court case, kremen vs. united states.
and lastly that this lock company must have been pretty fancy because i found at least four different obituaries that list it as a place of employment.
i think i'll turn my 38+ year old key into a necklace.
on a totally different note. ursula k le guin thinks you should read doctor zhivago.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
dress up
its time we all came to terms with the fact that some people are gay, let them marry and be merry, jeez.
on a separate note, i got to play mommy today with my friend's 10 month old son and people really react to you differently when they think you're a mom. so many smiles, it was lovely. oh and when you pass other moms with strollers there's like a secret hand shake. its awesome.
on a separate note, i got to play mommy today with my friend's 10 month old son and people really react to you differently when they think you're a mom. so many smiles, it was lovely. oh and when you pass other moms with strollers there's like a secret hand shake. its awesome.
Monday, June 16, 2008
my monday; pondscum, world records and essentials for summer afternoons
today was a painfully boring monday, but thankfully my podcasts and co-workers enlightened me with the following thrilling anecdotes. (take thrilling lightly)
pondscum is considered by many marine biologists to be a derogatory name for phytoplankton, those poor diatoms and dinoflagellates. its nice to know that people are finally sticking up for a very important part of marine ecology.
pondscum is considered by many marine biologists to be a derogatory name for phytoplankton, those poor diatoms and dinoflagellates. its nice to know that people are finally sticking up for a very important part of marine ecology.
this just might be the coolest thing ever, dare i say. thank you baron bob, i had almost forgot about go fishing day. let me know when you can help me with an it's it too!
i did learn that, thankfully, i am not tone deaf, which was not really a big concern of mine, but is still a real relief since i come from a family with a long history of musical talents. so although i lack talent at least i can hear the right tones.
and lastly, something completely ridiculous. the world record for keychains is 41,418 but i'm pretty sure mr tyler from topeka will disagree.
and lastly, something completely ridiculous. the world record for keychains is 41,418 but i'm pretty sure mr tyler from topeka will disagree.
Friday, June 13, 2008
a bad day for bush
so i'm a regular nine-to-fiver, sad but true. what this means is that i spend the majority of my days trying to get through the day without feeling terribly like a nine-to-fiver and being very angry about it. i am addicted to podcasts and with the fiscal year ending and the rush for grant writing, there is very little work for me to do.
this is what i learned today.
the prosecutor that put away charles manson just wrote a book about how to put george bush away too.
kucinich wants to impeach bush. because we could handle the last eight years, but six more months is unbearable.
r. kelly didn't testify in his trial and the chicago journalist that received the sex tape pleaded the fifth. which to my non-tv mind is so cool, i didn't think people actually did that all that often, but i guess if the verdict would mean that you were in possession of child pornography then that would be the time to do it.
there is a website help group for women procrastinators.
oh and i'm a bit behind on my naked scientist podcasts, a month ago they spent almost thirty minutes talking about poop and/or farts and/or intestines.
and of course, habeas corpus literally means having the body.
whew, i'm exhausted. its the weekend and its windy. enjoy.
this is what i learned today.
the prosecutor that put away charles manson just wrote a book about how to put george bush away too.
kucinich wants to impeach bush. because we could handle the last eight years, but six more months is unbearable.
r. kelly didn't testify in his trial and the chicago journalist that received the sex tape pleaded the fifth. which to my non-tv mind is so cool, i didn't think people actually did that all that often, but i guess if the verdict would mean that you were in possession of child pornography then that would be the time to do it.
there is a website help group for women procrastinators.
oh and i'm a bit behind on my naked scientist podcasts, a month ago they spent almost thirty minutes talking about poop and/or farts and/or intestines.
and of course, habeas corpus literally means having the body.
whew, i'm exhausted. its the weekend and its windy. enjoy.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
the dental amalgam conspiracy
apparently the FDA is just now realizing that maybe putting mercury in people's mouths is not the best idea. this only reinforces my theory that at some point dentistry left science and sold their collective souls in order to cause people pain and take their money.
on a brighter note, it was a beautiful day and mostly mercury free
on a brighter note, it was a beautiful day and mostly mercury free
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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