Sunday, October 19, 2008

otter otter utterance

i was doing a series of reactions at work the other day and i had an epiphany. not like a useful epiphany like the one where i stop paying my student loan payments for a few months and put the money on my much used credit card, but an epiphany that will probably go nowhere and only be enjoyed by a select few. have i peeked your curiosity yet? is the build up built? ok here it is... michel gondry should make a movie of jonathan lethem's "as she climbed across the table"! oh my god, so awesome right?!? or at least "gun with occasional music", it would be amazing. if you haven't read either of those books then get on it, and while you're at it read "motherless brooklyn".

addendum. as i was getting the above links i found that apparently edward norton is going to adapt, direct and star in the film adaptation of motherless brooklyn, set to be released next year. crazy! safe choice edward, but its no alternate universe or kangaroo cab driver.