Thursday, November 6, 2008

a revolution in heartburn

what a week!

i am in such a need for nap time that even though i wore regular pants to work, i have since changed into a brand new pair of extra cozy (read: fuzzy) university sweatpants. yes i am wearing sweatpants at work and i might just be caught with my eyes closed, pretending to be doing data analysis.

let's start with sunday, SHE & HIM were amazing at bimbo's! since my slight obsession with zooey i had very high expectations, and i was barely disappointed. i guess i imagined zooey to be more quirky, she was insanely precious but also a little shy and reserved. but man oh man can she sing, and her and m. ward are a match made in heaven. she played all the hits plus a couple new songs and covers (including "i put a spell on you" (swoon!)).

after the show was true blood, where sam's true colors were shown! werewolf? maybe not so much, collie? yes. too bad there are only three more episodes of the season, damn you hbo for making such good tv shows with such short seasons!

monday, a lovely visit from my favorite suffragist!

tuesday. despite the fact i should dedicate an entire blog to the momentous events of that beautiful day, let's just say that if you could graph my heartburn levels over the last week it would look like the stock market crash. i made deviled eggs and spicy jalapeno artichoke dip to celebrate.

whew, what day am i on?
wednesday, the obama high continued and a much needed night of comfort food, wine and good company. geeesh.

oops, i guess i should have started the week at halloween. my costume renewed my faith in people, i was juno and was kindly offered a seat on the bus.

breathing. everything is going to be okay.

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