Friday, June 13, 2008

a bad day for bush

so i'm a regular nine-to-fiver, sad but true. what this means is that i spend the majority of my days trying to get through the day without feeling terribly like a nine-to-fiver and being very angry about it. i am addicted to podcasts and with the fiscal year ending and the rush for grant writing, there is very little work for me to do.

this is what i learned today.
the prosecutor that put away charles manson just wrote a book about how to put george bush away too.
kucinich wants to impeach bush. because we could handle the last eight years, but six more months is unbearable.
r. kelly didn't testify in his trial and the chicago journalist that received the sex tape pleaded the fifth. which to my non-tv mind is so cool, i didn't think people actually did that all that often, but i guess if the verdict would mean that you were in possession of child pornography then that would be the time to do it.
there is a website help group for women procrastinators.
oh and i'm a bit behind on my naked scientist podcasts, a month ago they spent almost thirty minutes talking about poop and/or farts and/or intestines.
and of course, habeas corpus literally means having the body.

whew, i'm exhausted. its the weekend and its windy. enjoy.

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