Thursday, October 30, 2008
on the toes
let's say obama wins and we finally end the war, primetime television will have to be way more creative in plot developments. i hope they step up to the challenge, its all about change, isn't it?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
all grown up
it's my "working 9 to 5" one year anniversary! and to celebrate i'm forbearing on my student loans! gb america!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
oh no she didn't and thank you
this morning i had a near psychic experience. seriously. i was riding the bus, just reading my economist when a very abrupt, leggy blond sat next to me in the middle seat (it was one of the three-seaters in the back of the bus). well anyways i was reading a really fascinating story about how emerging economies will deal with the current crisis when i started daydreaming. the leggy blond spilled her coffee on my leg and shoes, but not the comfy uggs i wear to work but my super fabulous pricey miss sixty boots... there was some yelling, mostly on my part, and an exchange of money, mainly into my wallet (yay new boots), when my daydream was interrupted by the screams of a very unhappy cantonese woman. the leggy blond spilled her coffee on the annoying woman who had been yelling into her cell phone in cantonese sitting on the other side! i smiled and returned to reading about global economies knowing that i had totally almost predicted the spilling of the leggy blonds coffee.
now that i think about it, i wonder what this daydream says about me.
now that i think about it, i wonder what this daydream says about me.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
lemons (the sour ones, not the ones i'm related to)
life is full of surprises, like surprise! the flu shot gives you the flu! well it gave me the flu anyways. yeah. seriously, a hand full of flu shots and i get the bad reaction. at least its nice to know you can still learn something new about yourself, right? better late than never.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
otter otter utterance

i was doing a series of reactions at work the other day and i had an epiphany. not like a useful epiphany like the one where i stop paying my student loan payments for a few months and put the money on my much used credit card, but an epiphany that will probably go nowhere and only be enjoyed by a select few. have i peeked your curiosity yet? is the build up built? ok here it is... michel gondry should make a movie of jonathan lethem's "as she climbed across the table"! oh my god, so awesome right?!? or at least "gun with occasional music", it would be amazing. if you haven't read either of those books then get on it, and while you're at it read "motherless brooklyn".
addendum. as i was getting the above links i found that apparently edward norton is going to adapt, direct and star in the film adaptation of motherless brooklyn, set to be released next year. crazy! safe choice edward, but its no alternate universe or kangaroo cab driver.
Monday, October 13, 2008
like smelling fresh baked apple pie
i was feeling one of those moments of absolute terror while envisioning a mccain victory, and considering all the practicalities of relocating to a different country (with canada in the lead) when i stumbled upon this little bundle of joy.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
106 reasons
they say with age comes wisdom, and here's some proof. and they said Obama only inspires the young vote, ha!
oversized with pockets, please
i had this professor, let's call her professor cardigan. i had two classes with this professor, back in my school days of course. early on i noticed that she wore cardigans almost every day, so i began a cardigan diary in my notebook. each day of class at the top of my notes it would say, brown or beaded or whatever. i thought i was pretty clever. but now here i am, a grown up (kind of) and a scientist, and my wardrobe consists mostly of cardigans. go figure.
Monday, October 6, 2008
dental dilemma
today i flared a single nostril. my left nostril to be exact, while my right nostril stayed freakily still in its novacained state. yep, i went to the dentist. i have mentioned my hatred for dentistry as a whole before and i'm starting to think that my dentist is taking a lesson from dr house and having her little drones break into my house to learn ways to make me like them. its freaky. last time, both my dentist and her assistant were reading the same book as me, the assistant was even on the same chapter! then she started talking to me about my tattoos and showed me her half sleeve?!? since when are dentists cool, tattooed, vampire book reading ladies? then today, i take a trip to the ladies room and find a concert poster for grandaddy and super furry animals? at this point i'm starting to think the large hadron collider is a success and my dentist office is in a indie/hipster dimension... then i notice that all of the artwork has been replaced by concert posters and they're all bands that i have some sort of interest in. suddenly i'm liking my dentist more and i don't like it one bit.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
my darling casper riley
on a brighter note, here's my dog being as precious as usual.
enjoy the cuteness.
filmed by decker!
enjoy the cuteness.
filmed by decker!
foreclosure suicide attempt
hospitals take note. expect an increase in self inflicted gun shot wounds. its all your fault fannie mae.
Friday, October 3, 2008
apparently near absolute zero is actually 2 degrees above zero. i half expected near to be a working range, seems silly to say near absolute zero when you could just be specific. its not like those two degrees make it not cold.
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