Tuesday, October 20, 2009

oh just espionage

ok so its been awhile. i may or may not have suffered from what happens to a lot of amateur bloggers, but whatever i'm not too afraid of failure. really i think my life got too interesting that all the normal stuff i had been blogging about seemed lame. regardless i'm feeling inspired.

so yesterday news broke that an american scientist was being indicted? investigated? i don't know what they do, but he commited espionage, or thought he was committing espionage but really it was a sting operation by the fbi. anyways, pretty interesting story as it is. well this morning on the bbc's global news podcast they were talking more about it and they asked a very good question, how did anyone know to target this guy for a sting operation? like who decided to approach this guy and offer him money for satelite infomation? i don't know much about espionage and how it usually gets instigated or whatever, but it does seem kind of messed up to approach someone and offer money for what may or may not be all that delicate of information. but i digress. the guy they interviewed said that espionage is, i guess, a more common thing for middle aged men, like its a symptom of a midlife crisis. weird!

this, of course, got me thinking about all sorts of weird things, like is there something comparable for women? or does female espionage happen at some other time for women (the mars return or whatever happens at 28-29)? i'm definitely in need of more research on this topic.

an update, attached the article above and am now totally disturbed. not only is this guy some sort of genius in a midlife crisis, but also a total sucker! he's probably gonna spend the rest of his life in prison for "attempted espionage" and all he made from it was $11,000!!! thats the worst midlife crisis ever!

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